
The Art Spot is grateful for all the support and love from our community.
Here are a few ways you can help The Art Spot continue changing lives through the power of Art:

  • Sponsor a young artist’s tuition! 
    The Art Spot offers scholarships to low-income families with the intention of keeping our programs diverse and accessible. Donate to the scholarship fund to support this initiative and invest in our youth! (Most courses run $300-$500 for a full season.)
  • Donate dollars:
    Between making city rent, replacing materials and compensating our hardworking leaders, studio finances add up quickly. As a small business, every donation, big or small, helps us keep the doors open.
  • Donate materials:
    Have art materials at home you want to get rid of? Donate them to The Art Spot! We especially love receiving: paints, art paper, glue, paint markers, craft materials, canvases, & paper products.